Thank you for all you help with the Food Bank during the past year. [Below] is a Food for Friends Food Bank Summary for 2024 which I hope you will share with your congregation or organization.
The Lord has blessed us with many people who are willing to donate both their time and financial resources. The Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 8306 and the American Legion, Post 541 together provided 44% of our income. This, along with the income from many churches, organizations and individuals enabled us to assist a large number of individuals during the past year.
We are looking forward to 2025 and are confident, that with the Lord’s help, we will continue our mission of trying to feed the hungry
Food for Friends Food Bank Committee
Thank you very much for your support of the Food for Friends Food Bank throughout 2024.
Currently there are 304 families in the Southern Columbia School District, Grovania, Legion Road and Rupert who have registered with the food bank. In 2024 the food bank provided food to 2,049 families representing 5,353 individuals (many families come each month). We also provide oranges and apples and other items to students who have enrolled in the backpack program at Southern Columbia School District. As of December 31, thirty-one students are enrolled in this program.
We estimate that in 2024 we handed out 70,000 pounds of food and laundry detergent during the year (35 tons). To accomplish this, we had a group of volunteers who put in over 1,200 hours throughout the year. This is equivalent to 150 eight hour shifts.
We could not do this without the financial support of the Catawissa Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8306 and the Catawissa American Legion Post 541 who provided over 44% of our income. This, along with churches, organizations and individual’s donations has allowed us to pay for all of our expenses. Rohrbach’s, along with Catawissa Weis Store, Giant Markets and Cricket were a big help in securing the food and bags we needed.
Thanks to all of you we can continue to provide help to those in need.
Food Service Committee: Bill and Nancy Hendricks, Lane & Kathy Beaver, Michelle Schoch, Matt Williams, Mark Schlieder, Pastor Susan Knorr, Bert Leiby and John & Peg Trathen.